
Chrome Magnet Links Not Working

  1. Chrome Magnet Links Not Working Free
  2. Links Not Opening In Chrome

Aug 4, 2018 - Using a magnet link to download files will eliminate the users need to. Using the magnet links in Browser like Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Firefox. TIP: Download this tool to quickly find & fix Windows errors automatically. May 28, 2014  How To Fix Utorrent/Bittorrent Magnet Links Not Working On Google Chrome. Utorrent on Chrome - Duration: 7:52. How To FIX MAGNET LINKS NOT WORKING Opening - Utorrent /Bittorrent. Problem: Magnet links not opening in chrome.Earlier if I click on magnet link of torrents, Chrome will open the magnet link(torrent file) in uTorrent. Now it’s not.

I am just a newbie to the magento. I have installed magento on my localhost. After all the setup when I used the admin page to login I can't able to login in chrome browser even with my right username and password. But when I am trying to login in firefox there is no problem. So can some one really help me here to solve the problem?


15 Answers

I think there is the problem with session cookie with the chrome browser.So just go through this directory/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Session/Abstract/Varien.php fileand comment out the line from 85 to 92 in magento (1.7.2 for my case). Like this

after that try to make login from your backend. Hopefully you can make login with chrome. This will definitely help you. If you are still facing the problem then just reply me.

5,88433 gold badges110 silver badges200 bronze badges

try using when you set up magento in localhost. I have also encounter same problem, that's the solution a have made and it works fine.

1,3664 gold badges17 silver badges34 bronze badges

From System -> Configuration -> General -> Web, set Unsecure and Secure Base URL with IP Address. And try to login again.

Emipro Technologies Pvt. Ltd.Emipro Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
12.9k5 gold badges29 silver badges65 bronze badges

GO to File at this location :- appcodecoreMageCoreModelSessionAbstractVarien.php

And commenting out the following (it's lines 85 to 102);

And use your credentials to logged in. Hope that should works for you!!!


When it happens with me, the problems was because I make a directory move but the .HTACCESS files of main content was not moved to new path.

Check if your .htaccess file is in main content.


just apply the comment here..file location : appcodecoreMageCoreModelSessionAbstractVarien.php

Jaydip PatelJaydip Patel

login as admin with internet explorer or other broswer. flush all caches. And you will be able to log in using chrome . You can login in without having to modify any code

Rashid HussainRashid Hussain

If you are using Magento 1.9, the file must be slightly different:/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Session/Abstract/Varien.php


Magento sees cookie_domain on core_config_data table when you try to login. If it is diffrent from your domain, you can not enter your admin panel, just refreshing the page, no error comes up.

Open core_config_data table from your database and search or filter the path column for web/cookie/cookie_domain and change it to null or your domain.


It’s also important that you have a form key present, otherwise your form won’t get processed.

Tahir YasinChrome Magnet Links Not WorkingTahir Yasin
8,9174 gold badges31 silver badges58 bronze badges

This is my simple solution that helped me in the same situation. Try it for 60 seconds of your time.

In Google Chrome, in Developer Tools (right-click on any page element and select Inspect Element), go to the Resources -> Cookies tab. Delete the extra cookie for your original domain. Or set your base url domain to something else, or change the port.


As the accepted answer pointed out, the problem lies with chrome when accessing Magento on a localhost. Wrap the code in theapp/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Session/Abstract/Varien.php with the following snippet, and the session parameter array will be only reset if you are on localhost (IP'' or '::1').

6,5643 gold badges32 silver badges37 bronze badges

I have Magento ver.

changing varien.php did not solve my problem.

How to remove cast at home. entering instead of localhost in Dashboard configuration Web Base URL solved my problem.

I can still enter localhost in the url and it automatically redirects it to the ip format url.

1,7618 gold badges34 silver badges62 bronze badges

For Magento 2

Instead of localhost on your WAMP please use

{folder path}magento2vendormagentozendframework1libraryZendSession.php

Go to & Comment as mentioned

Ankit ShahAnkit Shah
3241 gold badge10 silver badges39 bronze badges

Having session/cookie problems with webkit browsers (e.g. Chrome) in Magento? Go to System -> Configuration -> Web -> Session Cookie Management and set “Use HTTP Only” to no. Have fun.

Amit Bera
6,9404 gold badges23 silver badges49 bronze badges
Noman Mustafa KhanNoman Mustafa Khan

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Chrome used to ask permission what to do when a magnet link is clicked. Two days ago it started ignoring it. I haven't installed or did anything unusual with the pc.

I tried reinstalling chrome and my bittorrent client but nothing changed.

I followed this guide and inserted this line into Local State folder


This is a solution, but now chrome doesn't ask for permission, it directly opens the magnet link in the bittorrent client. When i remove the line, it ignores again.

I thought default behaviour was to ask for permission as it used to do two days ago.

I tried IE it successfully asks for permission, and works fine, even windows explorer opens up the bittorrent client.

How could this be fixed?


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