
Ios App Signer Windows

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  1. Ios App Signer Download Free
  2. How To Install Ios App Signer

Recently I've been asked by a number of developers how they can use PhoneGapBuild (PGB) to develop an iOS app when they only have a windows machine? The problem not being the development itself, but the provision of a key that PGB can use to build the iOS app.

IOS App Signer This is an app for OS X that can (re)sign apps and bundle them into ipa files that are ready to be installed on an iOS device. Supported input types are: ipa, deb, app, xcarchive. Jan 7, 2019 - In terms of information that needs to be provided to AppSigner, it will need a valid IPA file, valid non-developer Apple credentials, and the UDID. Download Parity Signer and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. ‎Once the App has been installed, you can create Ethereum accounts, sign transactions and transfer funds from and to these accounts without any sort of connectivity enabled on the device.

One major problem is that PGB's faq gives instructions for using a mac to achieve this, and another being that Apple's documentation assumes the same.

So, can a key be created in windows without the use of a mac, and if so, what are the exact steps to do so?

Engineer Dollery
Engineer DolleryEngineer Dollery
10.8k3 gold badges43 silver badges71 bronze badges

Ios App Signer Download Free

2 Answers

I always send people a link to an excellent article by Ian Devlin:

The core of the solution is to do the following in windows using either windows openssl, or the cygwin variant:

Then, go to apple to request a cert, using the csr file you've just generated. This is pretty easy.

Generate a PEM and P12:

The end of Ian's explanation says,

The last file you need to generate is the provisioning profile, which again requires you to return to the Apple Provisioning Portal. There is plenty of documentation there on how to do this, so I won’t go into it here. Bear in mind that such certificates need to be tied to your iOS testing devices via their UDIDs, and again there is documentation on how to do this.

How To Install Ios App Signer

Once the provisioning profile is generated, download it (e.g. iOS_Development.mobileprovision) and save it in the same place as the other files. This file will also need to be installed on each of your iOS testing devices.

During the provisioning process you'll have to create a bundle id -- don't try to find it because it doesn't exist -- you are meant to make it up, and the easiest way is to use a wildcard id like com.yourcompany.*. If you're not using an ad-hoc distribution, which is recommended, you'll also be asked for the UUID for your iOS device. You can download a UUID app for free that will give you this, or you can just plug the device into windows and find the data in itunes (see this question). The app approach is preferable if you don't like itunes (and let's face it, if you're reading this then you probably don't).

Finally, you don't need to upload the provisioning file to your iOS device. You can use almost any QR Code scanner to load it and both the app and provisioning file will be installed.

Engineer DolleryEngineer Dollery
10.8k3 gold badges43 silver badges71 bronze badges

Check out for rent-a-mac by the hour. Preinstalled with Application Loader too, this is what I use to upload my apps built by PhoneGap Build. Easy enough even though you'd really think Apple would provide another option by now.


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