Make Vertical Words Inkspace
I'm using inkscape and I want to put a text vertically on center, the following text has a two font sizes, i want to display them on baseline.
I can't convert text to path because I put on path.
Inkscape: Change default document properties. Once done, close the Document Properties dialog. Hit 5 to Zoom Page to fit window. (or View-Zoom-Page, or just click on the tool bar.) Tweak anything else. Then Save and Quit Inkscape. Next time the program opens, it should default to the settings as configured. That is the reason I tried resizing it with the Text Tool and failed before, as I only a clicked and entered text (which of course then did not go) and did not make a text box first. WinXP and mostly latest Inkscape (unless stated otherwise).
1 Answer
With the '+' selected use Alt+Arrow keys to adjust the positioning of the glyph.
Alt+↑/↓ will 'shift' vertically as you want to do. Alt+←/→ will adjust the kerning.