
Pl/sql Program To Calculate The Total Average And Grade Of Students

And to find the total, average marks, and to calculate grade of the student as follows. Average mark 90 then Grade = A; Average mark 80 then Grade = B; Average mark 60 then Grade = C; Average mark 40 then Grade = D; Average mark Grade = E; Program Code.

  1. Pl/sql Program To Calculate The Total Average And Grade Of Students 2017

Write a PL/SQL program to find the total and average of 4 subjects and display the grade

Pl/sql Program To Calculate The Total Average And Grade Of Students 2017

java number(10);
co number(10);
total number(10);
per number(10);
dbms_output.put_line('ENTER THE MARKS');
dbms_output.put_line('GRADE A');
dbms_output.put_line('GRADE B');
dbms_output.put_line('GRADE C');
dbms_output.put_line('INVALID INPUT');
Pl/sql program to calculate the total average and grade of students 2017
dbms_output.put_line('PERCENTAGE IS ' per);

Enter value for java: 80
new11: java:=80;
old12: dbms:=&dbms;
Enter value for co: 89
new13: co:=89;
old14: mfcs:=&mfcs;
Write pl sql program to find student grade using nested if
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

This problem has been solved!

See the answer
Create a c++ program that will calculate the grade pointaverage for a student. The student will provide the letter gradesfor 10 courses. The program will read the 10 grades and convert theletter grade to a numeric value according to the table given below:Letter Value A 4 B 3.5 C 3 D 2.5 F 0 Then, the program willcalculate the GPA taking into account the following number ofcredits for each course Course>>
MATH101 5 ENG100 3 BIO250 4 ITM100 3 CIS250 3 HIST101 3CALC100 4 SCI201 3 SOC110 3 PHY100>>
The program will ask the student to enter the grades asfollows: Grade for MATH101: Grade for ENG100: Grade for BIO250:Grade for ITM100: Grade for CIS250: Grade for HIST101: Grade forCALC100: Grade for SCI201: Grade for SOC110: Grade for PHY100: Theprogram will use two arrays: one to store the 10 numeric grades andanother one to store the number of credits for each course as givenon the table above. Make sure to maintain the same order. Theprogram will calculate the weighted average or GPA by multiplyingeach grade by its respective number of credits, adding all theproducts and dividing the total by the number of credits. GPA =left parenthesis sum subscript blank g r a d e asterisk times c r ed i t s right parenthesis divided by n u m b e r space o f space cr e d i t s The program output will be: You GPA is: X.XX Theprogram must be fully documented with comments including>>

Expert Answer

#include 'stdafx.h' #include <iostream> // Allows program to perform input and output. using namespace std; // allows using cin and cout rather then std::cin and std::cout. // Function main begains prview the full answer

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